Flowers Nature Seamless Pattern
Flowers Nature Seamless Pattern
Flowers Nature Seamless Pattern
Flowers Nature Seamless Pattern



And back again the riverclanners tale

Continue his story

Illustration Of Grass
Black Left Arrow

Chapter One

Spiraltail's story began in the rugged expanse of WindClan, where he once ​stood as a proud warrior. His life was a tapestry of swift battles and fierce ​loyalty, woven with threads of honor and bravery. As a warrior, his strong, ​agile frame and sharp instincts made him a formidable fighter, yet ​beneath his warrior's exterior lay a deep-seated compassion and a ​yearning for peace.

The call for change came unexpectedly. Spiraltail was not one to shy away ​from the unknown, but the shift from a warrior to a showcat was a ​journey of its own kind.Traveling great distances to get back to windclan ​just to find his mate gone and his son a tunneler something he had wished ​to avoid he later understood how useful tunneling was but it was too late ​to express that to his son.After a particularly intense battle that left him ​questioning the true cost of his role, a vision from StarClan pguided him ​to seek a new path. He left WindClan behind, carrying with him not only ​the scars of battle but also a wealth of knowledge and an unspoken hope ​for redemption.

Hm..What this?

Flower Plant Texture
Crouched Fox Illustration

Chapter Two

The Clans had converged in a rare and fierce conflict, their usual boundaries and rivalries erupting into an all-out struggle. RiverClan, defending their territory with the desperation of a cornered prey, faced not only their adversaries but also an unforeseen threat: a ravenous fox that had been drawn to the chaos, its wild eyes gleaming with hunger and malice.

Amidst the tumult, Spiraltail, who had been rallied into the fight in RiverClan’s territory, stumbled into the fray. Though his own Clan was far from the battle, his warrior’s instincts and sense of duty propelled him to act. As he observed the scene, he saw the fox’s menacing advance towards RiverClan’s vulnerable leader, adding a dangerous layer of fear to an already perilous situation.

Instead of charging into the fray, Spiraltail used his sharp mind and tactical prowess to devise a plan. Recognizing the potential disaster, he leapt into action with a strategy of disruption and diversion. Spiraltail created a series of loud, distracting noises and movements to draw the fox’s attention away from the beleaguered RiverClan leader and kit. His strategy worked—though he did not confront the fox directly, his diversionary tactics caused enough confusion and disorientation to force the fox to retreat into the underbrush, seeking easier prey elsewhere.

click me

Chapter Three

The RiverClan leader, deeply grateful for Spiraltail's ​intervention, approached the tom with a mixture of ​awe and respect. Impressed by his valor and skill, and ​recognizing the value of such bravery, the leader ​offered Spiraltail a place among RiverClan.

Spiraltail, seeking a fresh start and driven by a ​newfound sense of purpose, accepted the offer. As he ​integrated into RiverClan, he took on the role of a ​warrior, channeling the same dedication and skill he ​had used in battle to contribute to his new Clan. His ​prowess in combat and his strategic mind proved ​valuable assets, earning him the respect and ​camaraderie of his new Clanmates.

Grass with Blooming Flowers
Blue Wave Vector

“"Even in the heart of chaos, a single ​act of courage can change the ​course of destiny. We are all ​defined not by our past battles, but ​by the choices we make in the face ​of new challenges." — Spiraltail

Blue Wave Vector
Blue Wave Vector

Chapter Four/Fin

Yet, even as Spiraltail settled into his new life, he carried the ​weight of personal challenges. His son, Vinepaw, had stayed ​behind in WindClan, leaving a gulf between them. This separation ​was a source of emotional turmoil for Spiraltail, who struggled ​with feelings of regret and a longing for the bond he wished he ​could have with his son.

Spiraltail’s tale is one of transformation through courage and ​opportunity. His heroic act during the battle not only saved the ​RiverClan leader but also forged a new path for him. As he adapts ​to his role in RiverClan, he remains hopeful that his new beginning ​will help him find peace and reconciliation, both within himself ​and in the strained relationship with his son.



Build Trust with Patients: Establish ​strong, trusting relationships with ​Clan members to ensure they seek ​help and follow medical advice.

Innovate Healing Practices: Develop new ​techniques and treatments to address emerging ​health issues and improve the overall ​effectiveness of medicine in RiverClan.

Strengthen Inter-Clan Alliances: Foster strong ​relationships with medicine cats from other ​Clans to facilitate collaboration and mutual ​support during times of crisis.

Guide RiverClan Through Major Health Crises: ​Lead the Clan effectively through significant ​epidemics or widespread injuries, minimizing ​impact and ensuring recovery.

Leave a Lasting Legacy: Establish a comprehensive training ​program for future medicine cats and create a detailed ​record of medical knowledge and practices to ensure the ​clan’s long-term well-being.


Educate the Clan: Provide basic ​first aid and health education to ​Clan members, empowering ​them to handle minor injuries ​and illnesses.

Expand Knowledge of Herbs:​ Continuously learn about new ​and rare herbs and their uses ​to enhance his healing ​practices.

Develop a Seasonal Healing Guide: ​Compile a guide highlighting how ​different seasons affect health and ​the availability of medicinal herbs, ​providing valuable insights to the ​Clan.

a purple abstract leaf illustration

His ​Beliefs



a gold add button icon
an orange abstract dots handdrawn illustration

Commitment to a New Beginning:

Spiraltail embraces the idea of new ​beginnings with optimism. His ​acceptance of a new role in ​RiverClan reflects his belief that ​every end is an opportunity for a ​fresh start and a chance to forge a ​new path.

Pragmatic Heroism:

Spiraltail holds a belief in ​pragmatic heroism—acting ​bravely and effectively without ​seeking glory or recognition. He ​views true heroism as making ​practical choices that benefit ​others, rather than focusing on ​personal accolades.

Project The Playful Warrior:

Spiraltail values playfulness and ​humor as integral parts of ​warrior life. He believes that ​maintaining a sense of humor ​and finding joy in the daily grind ​of clan life can strengthen bonds ​and keep spirits high, even in ​tough times.

Courage Through Wisdom:

Spiraltail sees courage as ​being deeply intertwined with ​wisdom. He believes that true ​courage involves not just ​facing danger, but also ​making wise decisions that ​reflect careful consideration ​of the potential consequences.

Sentient Nature:

He holds that nature itself ​possesses a form of sentience ​and that animals, plants, and ​even the weather can ​communicate through subtle ​signs. Spiraltail believes in ​paying close attention to these ​natural cues for guidance and ​understanding.

Honesty and Transparency:

He values honesty and ​transparency in all ​interactions. Spiraltail ​believes that clear and ​truthful communication is ​essential for maintaining ​trust and effective teamwork ​within the clan.

A little slice of Spiraltail


Open Spaces: He enjoys the wide, open ​fields and the freedom of WindClan's ​moorland, which he finds comforting even ​in RiverClan.

Hunting on Land: Spiraltail still has a ​preference for hunting on land, like catching ​rabbits or other small prey, despite adapting ​to fishing.

Starry Nights: He has a special fondness for ​starry nights, reminiscent of the clear skies ​over the moors.

Lone Walks: He values solitary time and ​often takes long walks to think or reflect, a ​habit from his WindClan days.

Clan Loyalty: Spiraltail maintains a deep ​sense of loyalty and respect for all clans, ​honoring his WindClan heritage while ​embracing his new life in RiverClan.


His Age 27 Moons

Clan: riverclan

gender : Male

sexuality : Bisexual


Confined Spaces: He dislikes being confined ​or trapped, a contrast to his open moorland ​upbringing.

Cold Water: He finds very cold water ​uncomfortable, as it contrasts with the more ​temperate streams of WindClan territory.

Slow Decisions: Spiraltail prefers quick, ​decisive actions and dislikes when decisions ​or actions are delayed unnecessarily.

Heavy Rain: He has a distaste for heavy, ​relentless rain that can make the riverbanks ​muddy and difficult to navigate.

Change: Spiraltail might struggle with too ​much change too quickly, having found ​stability in his WindClan past and now ​adapting to life in RiverClan.

Woman in White Shirt Holding White Printer Paper

Reasons why he was drawn to ​the role of a Medicine cat

Interwoven Wisdom: During his travels, Spiraltail encountered a group of rogues who shared their ​own unique healing practices. This experience broadened his understanding of medicine and ​provided him with diverse techniques, which he now aims to blend with RiverClan’s methods to ​create a more comprehensive healing approach.

Restoring Harmony: Spiraltail’s transition to RiverClan symbolizes his quest for balance and harmony. ​As a medicine cat, he seeks to restore equilibrium within the clan and within himself, healing old ​wounds and fostering unity through his new role.

Innovative Problem-Solving: Spiraltail’s decision to distract the fox rather than attack it demonstrates ​his ability to think creatively and assess situations from multiple angles. This innovative approach will ​translate into his work as a medicine cat, where he plans to integrate both traditional and new ​methods to improve RiverClan’s health car

Collaborative Leadership: As a medicine cat, Spiraltail will work closely with the leader and deputy to ​bring new insights and strategies to the clan. His ability to think outside the box will help shape ​RiverClan’s approach to health and safety in ways that other leaders may not have considered.

Building Bridges: Spiraltail’s experience with both WindClan and the rogues gives him a unique ​perspective. By becoming a medicine cat, he hopes to bridge gaps and integrate diverse healing ​practices, fostering understanding and cooperation between RiverClan and those he has learned ​from.

Passion for Healing: Spiraltail’s time in WindClan exposed him to the critical role that medicine cats ​play in maintaining the health and unity of the clan. His admiration for their skills and the healing ​process has inspired him to pursue this role himself.

Desire for Peace and Stability: Having experienced conflict and the pressures of warrior life, Spiraltail ​seeks a role that promotes peace and stability. Becoming a medicine cat allows him to contribute to ​the well-being of RiverClan in a way that fosters calm and care.

Fulfillment in Service: Spiraltail finds personal fulfillment in helping others. The role of a medicine cat ​offers him a profound sense of purpose and satisfaction, as he can directly support and nurture the ​clan.

Roleplay Trials

Black Scribble Border

Comforting a Grieving ​Clanmate



Comforting a

sick kit

Spiraltail sat beside the grieving elder, his gaze steady ​and sympathetic. "I know this is a hard time," he said ​softly. "If there’s anything you need or if you just ​want to talk, I’m here for you." His presence was ​meant to offer solace and support.

A sweet and short example the actual post ​would be much longer

Spiraltail carefully chewed a few juniper ​berries between his teeth, their sharp, ​tangy scent filling the air of his medicine ​den. He looked down at the sickly ​apprentice curled up on the moss-covered ​bed. "Here, take these," Spiraltail said ​softly, placing the chewed berries at the ​apprentice’s paws. "They’ll help with your ​fever and clear your head. Try to rest as ​much as you can; your body needs time to ​fight off the illness."

Spiraltail entered the nursery, his heart aching at the sight of ​the frightened kit huddled against a pile of moss. He ​approached gently, his soft voice meant to soothe. "Hey there, ​little one," he said, settling down beside the kit. "I heard you ​were feeling unwell. It’s okay to be scared. I’m here to help ​you."

He carefully examined the kit’s small, trembling form, his touch ​light and reassuring. "I know it’s hard to be sick, but you’re ​very brave. I’ll give you some herbs to help you feel better, and ​I’ll be right here if you need anything. You’re strong, and we’ll ​get through this together."

Spiraltail offered a comforting nuzzle, hoping to ease the kit’s ​anxiety. "Why don’t you try to rest now? The herbs will help ​you sleep, and soon enough, you’ll be back to playing with your ​friends. I’ll check on you often, so you won’t be alone."

Forms of ​communication

Thank you for taking the time to review my application. I am deeply passionate ​about RiverClan and firmly believe in the strength that comes from our unity. I am ​committed to dedicating my best efforts to every interaction, aiming to make our ​collective experience both engaging and rewarding. My goal is to contribute ​meaningfully to this team and work alongside others who share this enthusiasm.

A bit more about me: I’m Marls, currently a sophomore in high school. Being an ​active member of the marching band has taught me invaluable lessons in ​teamwork, discipline, and time management. Balancing rigorous rehearsals and ​performances with academic responsibilities has instilled in me a strong sense of ​dedication and perseverance. These skills have prepared me to handle ​responsibilities efficiently and contribute positively to any team environment.

I am eager to bring this dedication and the insights I've gained from my ​experiences in the band to our work with RiverClan. I look forward to the chance ​to collaborate with others who share my passion and to contribute to our shared ​success. Thank you for considering my application






Spiarltail and his sons arguemnet

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